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Fast forward to the Future!


Fast forward to the Future!

We have been shaping up the Global Strategic Innovation Program in order to meet our participants' expectations and best interests. Vault and Stanford are already set for day one and day two! What will the Future bring next?

blog2Visit the Future

On Wednesday the 11th we’re arranging a session at the Institute for the future (IFTF). In a world of accelerated and unpredictable change, IFTF helps organizations prepare for the future. From HealthCare to Digital Media, IFTF is involved in several exciting projects. 

blog3Dig into Innovation

On Thursday the 12th July, Jon Littman, the renowned author of the “10 Faces of Innovation” will lead a workshop for us in San Francisco. The first face is the anthropologist. The Anthropologist is the person who ventures into the field to observe how people interact with products, services, and experiences to innovate.
